The Bible Quarantine

What started as a goofy graphic for Instagram quickly became something much bigger—a source of encouragement for thousands amid a global pandemic.

Because man shall not live on Netflix alone

We are living through an unprecedented time in history. Many people are isolated and afraid, and all of us are looking for encouragement. In response, Pulse created The Bible Quarantine.

Every day, we are releasing a video on Nick Hall’s Instagram page to encourage people and challenge them to turn to God’s Word.

100% germ-free

Join in the encouragement each night at 6PM EST as Nick shares from his heart and God’s Word. Each episode is short, funny, and applicable for those watching across the country. Over the weekend, Nick interviews young emerging leaders about their faith and journey with the Bible.

Already, The Bible Quarantine episodes have been picked up by FOX Nation, and thousands of people are engaging each night. Read more from FOX here.

Loving our neighbor

As part of The Bible Quarantine, we’re asking people each day to share tangible needs for themselves or others. Already, we’ve heard from many who are struggling financially or with sickness. Our team then takes time to pray and give toward helping many.

Do you know someone in need? Send us an email at [email protected].